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Use Case
Intelligent Line Sensors at Overhead-Underground Transitions
Overhead to underground transition locations are problematic to troubleshoot because of differences in equipment and access limitations. In many cases, interruptions on combination circuits result in longer outages due to the complexities associated with fault location and isolation. However, system data gained from intelligent line sensors at overhead-underground transition points allows utilities to immediately determine if fault current was detected at the transition point. This narrows the total patrol area to only the faulted segment of the conductors, reducing crew time needed for location and restoration.
Sentient Energy’s Grid Analytics SystemTM
Sentient Energy’s MM3ai and ZM1 intelligent line sensors can be installed on overhead lines close to underground transition points. The line sensors detect permanent and momentary faults and notify operators via the Ample® Analytics Platform. Integrated GPS ensures the sensors convey accurate location data.

How It Works
With Sentient Energy’s overhead intelligent line sensors deployed at transition points, utilities have reliable indications of whether a fault is overhead or underground. The solution can be deployed quickly due to the following:
- Integrated communications – Built-in line sensor communications (cellular or RF Mesh) simplifies deployment by eliminating the need for installation of communication gateways near each sensor location.
- Choice of sensor powering – The line-powered MM3ai sensor is deployed on feeder lines with 10A or more of continuous current. For laterals and low-load feeder segments, the ZM1 line sensor is battery-powered.
- Ample Analytics Platform – Ample software collects real-time data from sensors and provides visualization of the sensor network and system data. When a fault occurs the MM3ai and ZM1 sensors immediately notify Ample of the fault and capture waveform data at 130 samples per cycle for fault analysis.
The Sentient Energy Grid Analytics System, comprised of intelligent line sensors and the Ample Analytics software platform, are field-proven to effectively monitor overhead-underground transitions in power distribution networks. The system offers a simple and effective way to distinguish between overhead and underground faults, making grid operators more effective in their efforts to improve reliability and use resources optimally.