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Sentient Energy’s Grid Analytics SystemTM Moves the Needle on Wildfire Mitigation & Emergency Response Initiatives
Wildfire season, extreme weather, emergency response and hard-to-access areas are all scenarios that make grid hardening critical for safe and reliable delivery of power.
We help utilities quickly and cost-effectively reduce risk in 5 Key Assessment Categories of the Wildfire Mitigation Maturity Model.

Category B. Situational Awareness & Forecasting — real-time alerts on possible ignition scenarios while providing loading and conductor temperature at multiple locations per feeder
Category C. Grid Design & Hardening — know which sections to prioritize for hardening based on actual performance
Category D. Asset Management & Inspections — integration with Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) platform; perform condition-based
inspections using mobile apps and inspection history
Category E. Vegetation Management & Inspections — condition-based inspections using disturbance analytics; improve the accuracy of other vegetation management tools; track results using EAM inspection records
Category F. Grid Operations & Protocols — real-time line performance; disturbance-informed. Power Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). decisions; use EAM to record all PSPS repairs for commission reporting

- Supplemental data for informed Public Safety decisions
- Condition-based line
inspections - Focused grid hardening
- Post repair audits
- Supplemental data for informed Public Safety decisions
- Real-time alerts of possible faults/ignition sources
- Constant data feed into Emergency Operations Center
- Trigger complementary safety
Sentient Energy Grid Analytics System Benefits
- High-resolution intelligent sensors and advanced analytics provide the situational awareness and actionable data needed to reduce risk and improve grid resilience.
- Fast, easy deployment with quickly realized benefits while still implementing your circuit hardening plan (under-grounding of lines, removing trees, replacing poles)
- Sensor-based platform solution capable of providing pre-emptive, actionable analytic data to the Wildfire Safety Operations Center (WSOC) or Emergency Operations Center
- Over-the-air upgradeable to leverage new analytics as they are developed