Explore how Sentient Energy’s Ample® Grid Analytics Platform, intelligent line sensing, and dynamic VAR compensators allow utilities to address a multitude of challenges to:
Underground circuits are more resilient, experience less frequent faults, and help enable proactive remote monitoring and improve reliability.
Sentient Energy’s intelligent sensors use advanced fault detection algorithms to sense system faults in real-time.
Intelligent line sensors paired with Ample® Grid Analytics Platform enable utilities to identify and prevent impending outages.
Utilities serving wildfire prone geographies need to leverage technology solutions that address multiple elements of wildfire risk.
Controlling voltage on the low side of the distribution transformer provides utilities with significant benefits.
Monday, March 24
Meet in Lobby AB
50 (Two groups of 25)
Group 1: 8:45 AM – 12:45 PM CDT
Group 2: 12:45 – 4:45 PM CDT
Hard hats are required but will be provided by Sentient Energy
Bryan Hobson, Idaho Power and Scott McPhail, Consumers Energy
Thursday, March 27
Lisa Rogers, Sentient Energy
10:00 – 10:50 AM CDT
Tuesday, March 25 & Wednesday, March 26
Net Zero Theater, Booth #1323
Stop by Sentient Energy’s booth in the expo hall to experience our innovative grid optimization capabilities:
Preempt outages, improve reliability, and mitigate wildfires with advanced analytics.
Introducing the UM3+ Compact, which, due to its smaller size, can be installed in smaller enclosures.
The VC-10 Dynamic VAR Compensator provides improved power quality and energy savings.
We help utilities deliver safe, reliable and efficient power.